If you’re interested in publishing with The Philosophers’ Magazine Online, you’re in good company.
Over the last 25 years, we have featured the work of luminaries such as Peter Singer, Jonathan Wolff, Simon Blackburn, Mary Midgley, Peter Unger, Ray Monk, Richard Dawkins, and others.
Who Writes For Us?
Mainly we publish work by people with a graduate qualification in philosophy or a related discipline. However, there are no hard and fast rules here. If you have a good idea, and you’re able to put it together in a way that will interest academic philosophers, then feel free to pitch to us.
What Do People Write About?
Opinion pieces, publishing in our Reflections section, tend to be shorter articles (up to 1500 words), often about an issue of topical interest, and less formal than is required by the traditional academic approach. Topics covered recently include the Ukraine conflict, the Johnny Depp trial, Bertrand Russell on female attractiveness, Wordle, and etiquette in higher education.
We also publish long-form articles – up to 4000 words – rigorously argued, and reflective of the standards of the Academy. This type of content differs from traditional academic work in two major ways: first, it assumes no prior knowledge on the part of the reader; and second, it is addressed to a non-specialist audience (so, for example, we ask our authors to refrain from using overly technical langauage, to explain their terms, and so on). Recent articles have looked at the character of propaganda, the value of philosophy in the face of day-to-day horror, the trolley problem and virtual reality, and feminist criminology.
How Do You Pitch?
If the first instance, you should email us at:
outlining what you propose to write about – and letting us know something of your background in philosophy, professional qualifications (if applicable), and examples of previous work.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we’ve had a chance to look over your proposal.
Thank you for your interest in The Philosophers’ Magazine Online.