Issue 71

TPM Issue 71 coverWhat’s the real value of philosophy? Can religious violence ever be justified? How should new thoughts about what makes us tick change our notion of self-knowledge? In an age of corporations, do we need new thoughts about when groups know something and when they’re responsible? How should we think about experiences that might transform us? Can film actually be philosophy? Find out in this issue.


Exact Editions

Issue 71 Contents

4 – From the editor

6 – Philosophy isn’t useless
9 – Mediawatch

10 – Child voters Phil Hutchinson and Rupert Read
17 – In focus: the value of philosophy
      Hawking’s challenge Anne Thomasson
      Against the philistines Robert Lockie
29 – Risky business Wendy M Grossman

31 – Self-knowledge for real people Quasim Cassam
37 – ISIS and religious violence Steve Clarke
44 – The ethics of geoengineering Marian Hourdequin
51 – Transformative experiences Rich Cordero
58 – When do groups know? Jennifer Lackey
65 – Star Trek tech Dena Hurst
70 – Snapshot: Pierre Joseph Proudhon Jamie Ranger

Forum: Film as Philosophy
70 – Longing to be human Dan Shaw
80 – Life as a journey Phil Hutchinson
88 – Seeing Avatar Rupert Read
86 – Films that do philosophy Thomas E Wartenburg
95 – Unrequited love Jeremy Stangroom
101 – Recommended viewing Eric Schwitzgebel

107 – Saving Matt Damon Jean Kazez

109 – Josh Weisburg on Uriah Kriegel’s The Varieties of Consciousness
111 – Steve Hiltz on Harry Frankfurt’s On Equality
114 – Astrida Plenty visits Dismaland
116Jason Brennan on William MacAskill’s Doing Good Better

119 – What the critics said A M Ferner
