Véronique Munoz-Dardé on the meaning of sovereignty in the Brexit referendum debate.
These are (mainly) longer form essays. Many of those written prior to 2024 also appeared in the print version of The Philosophers’ Magazine.
Is Dumbledore Gay?
Tamar Szabó Gendler asks, who’s to say?
Decision Making
Alfred Mele spins the neural roulette wheel behind our choices.
Philosophers Stoned
Dale Jacquette asks why cannabis and philosophy.
Captive Audience
Alan Smith on the highs and lows of teaching philosophy in prison.
Good Dog?
Mark Rowlands asks whether animals can be moral.
The Ethics of Later Abortion
F. M. Kamm looks at some of the ways philosophers have argued about abortion that seem relevant to second trimester abortion in particular.
What Could Change Your Mind?
Ian M. Church on intellectual humility and the “loyalty” of Trump’s supporters.
Can There Be Feminist Porn?
If feminist pornography were possible, what would it look like, asks A. M. Ferner.
Want to Be Good at Philosophy? Study Maths and Science
Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay argue that philosophers must be scientifically informed.